Friday 9 November 2012

The Relapse - my regrettable afternoon binge

This is frustrating.

Ten years ago I'd just have to imagine myself exercising or look at a skipping rope in order to lose weight. Now I exercise enthusiastically and watch what I eat and - nothing. Not one kilo lost!

My present disillusionment is due to the fact that I've relapsed. Big time.

Yesterday I baked cupcakes. Not because I was in the mood for them, but because I wanted to do something to keep Aisha (2) busy. And I wanted to reward the older kids for the (little) effort they were putting into their studies during their stressful exams/ formal assessments.

Yesterday I had one cupcake. Merely to taste how it had come out, I told myself.

Today is Jumu'ah so, as usual, Mo and Shakeel (13) went to mosque and returned with akhni and salomies (curry in a roti wrap). In no time at all the salomi on my plate vanished - along with my remaining willpower. Because, feeling like I had already lost my way, I then devoured two more leftover cupcakes.



I swear my arse already looks bigger since I last checked (this morning before my binge).

I wish I knew how to give my sluggish metabolism the kick in the arse it needs.

However, I did have a cup of green tea with my feast. Surely that counts for something?



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