Thursday 20 October 2011

No more first post

I set up this blog a few weeks ago, but have been postponing entering my first post- partly because I wanted to wait until I had something interesting to say, and partly because I was just too exhausted after my long day of cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, feeding, dealing with tantrums and playing psychologist, referee, tutor etc to my four kids, etc etc etc.

I realised that I would not wait until I had something interesting to say because that is not what this blog is about. I want to use the blog to record my memories; capture moments of our daily family lives. While blogging about nappy rash and sibling rivalry might not seem interesting or particularly exciting to me right now, aren't the little moments and seemingly insignificant family banter what its all about? These little moments are exactly what I shall hang onto, yearn for and try to recapture once my children are older and move on to various stages of their own lives- toward independence.

So instead of looking upon all my daily family interactions and occurences as mundane, I shall use this blog to capture, appreciate and savour them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i like ....!!!! keep going!